Ginger simple syrup. Basic use for the entire ginger stalk.
In this video, I walk you through how to not make sure you get to use all of that awesome, delicious, and amazing smelling fresh ginger that you purchased at the store.

In addition, save those peels and make a super yummy ginger syrup!

Ginger simple syrup. Basic use for the entire ginger stalk.

Ginger Syrup

This video uses scraps from trimming Ginger to freeze. Once the syrup is cooled it can be used however you desire. Add it to desserts, coffee, tea, etc.


  • Small sauce pan


  • 1 each Ginger peels, scraps
  • 1 cup Granulated sugar
  • 1 cup Water


  • Combine all ingredients in sauce pan.
  • Set over medium-high flame.
  • Gently stir ingredients until sugar has dissolved into water.
    NOTE: Do not over stir ingredients, this will cause the sugar to crystallize. Once the sugar is dissolved, do not stir the pot again.
  • As soon as the pot comes to a rolling boil, turn off the flame and move the pot to a position where it can cool down. Let it sit until completely cool.
  • Once cool, pour into a strainer (make sure you have a container underneath) and place the syrup in the fridge. Throw away the scraps (you can also chew on them if you want, they are delicious!)
    NOTE: Syrup should hold in the friddge for 1-2 weeks.

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